Breaking Free from Wheat & Sugar
Feb 28, 2025
I’ve tried cutting out wheat and sugar from my life many times—and failed. But this time, it’s different.
This isn’t just another diet. This isn’t a temporary challenge. This is my new identity.
When I pick up food, the first thing I check is: Does it have wheat or sugar? If the answer is yes, it’s not for me.
This past Shabbos was the second Shabbos in a long time that I went completely without wheat or sugar, and I have to say—I feel amazing! Waking up this Sunday morning, I’m energized, motivated, and clear-headed in a way I haven’t felt in a long time.
I know I’m putting myself out there, but that’s exactly why I’m sharing this. Making it public makes me more committed.
And if even one person finds inspiration in this, then it was worth sharing.
Here’s to a new, healthier life—forever, bezrat Hashem! 💪✨